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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 18th January

Good Morning Year 3,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I went for some really muddy walks!

You are all doing so well with your home learning, I am so proud of you and really enjoying the daily emails with your wonderful work on! Keep it up and hopefully before we know it we'll be back in school all together. 

Today you have 3 tasks:

1. Maths

2. English

3. History


I would also like you to go onto getepic and read a book of your choice. Remember to also play on TTRS!


Have a lovely day,

Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To count money in pence.


Today Year 3 we are going to look at money and counting pence. I would like you to watch the video carefully, pausing it to complete any questions and then complete the worksheet.

Count money (pence)


LO: To use apostrophes for possession.

This week we are going to focus on our Spelling, punctuation and grammar. Today we are looking at the use of apostrophes for possession. This is when someone owns something. Have a look through the power point below and then answer the questions on the power point into your English books.


LO: To find out who was in Britain when the Romans invaded and learn about their way of life.

Today we are continuing with our History topic of the Romans. First, you need to work your way through the power point that I have attached below. You need to read it carefully and think about the questions it asks.

You then need to find the History pack in your Yellow home learning pack and find ‘Information sheet A’ which is called ‘Who were the Celts?’ Read this through thoroughly and then I would like you to complete the sheet before it: Worksheet 3A, filling in the boxes with the information you have learnt from both the power point and the information sheet.

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