LO: To write expanded noun phrases to describe.
Re-watch the film from yesterday up to 57 seconds and answer these questions: I have put the film again below.
You can either discuss them with an adult or older sibling or you can write your answers in your workbooks. You don't have to write the answers down if you just want to discuss them.
What type of building is this?
What is an orphanage?
How do you know?
What is the address?
What is the notebook for?
What is in his bag?
What kind of creature is this?
Will he be a friendly or unfriendly creature?
What makes you think this?
Next, we are going to have a go at writing some sentences with expanded noun phrases. Below is a grid with nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs on it. There is also a sheet that explains and gives examples of expanded noun phrases. Remember expanded noun phrases are… adjective, adjective noun. Remember the comma!
I would like you to use the words (or some words of your own) to write some of your own expanded noun phrases to describe the character. Here are a few of my own examples:
Long, spindly legs.
Shiny, beady eyes.
Pale, dull skin.
Write these in your workbooks.