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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 2

A message from Miss Townson...


Hello and welcome to the NEW YEAR 3 ... 2020/2021


When we come back to school in September, you will be in my class!
I will have got married by then and so I won't be called Miss Townson anymore... my name will be Mrs Sethi! 


I have attached your Topic Web below showing the topics that we will be covering in the first half of Autumn Term. Have a look at the Power Point below too, that has some extra information on about our year together! 


I am so excited to get back into school and do our learning together in the classroom! I can't wait to properly meet you all and have a fun filled year together! 


I hope you all have a lovely summer,


Love from Miss Townson (will be Mrs Sethi!) 

Autumn 1 Topic Web

Welcome Power Point



I have been so amazed by all of your hard work, messages and photographs over the last few weeks. You have made me a very proud teacher!

I am consistently monitoring your activity online to check that you are accessing the tasks. Therefore, all I ask is that you send me at least one email every week please, just so I can reassure Mrs McKeating that everyone is keeping up with their learning and that our school family is keeping in touch with one another.

I am still here for you all even though our classes are closed so if you need me- get in touch. 


I miss you all so much and hope that you are all managing to keep safe and well. heart


Love, Miss Dewhurst x

To access your lessons for each day, click on the links below. I will set you a variety of tasks, just like I would in class. 


If I set you a written task, I expect the same high standards as we would at school. A date, learning objective (both underlined) and your best handwriting. All books will be returned to school when we reopen, so I can see all of your wonderful work. 


Please click on the pencils below to access the correct day's work...

Here are our ‘Chase the Rainbow’ pictures, to cheer up our neighbours and passers by 💞🌈 Thank you to everyone who sent me theirs x

Welcome to Year 2!


In Year 2, we have Miss Dewhurst (Class Teacher), Mrs Catley (Teaching Assistant) and Mr Kelly (who teaches P.E).  


With helpful hands and loving hearts, we can achieve anything.

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