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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 2nd July

Happy Thursday everyone! 

Today was a great day in school. I see lots of you were busy at home as well completing a wonderful memory board for your seed. LOTS of you challenged yourself to the Kahoot quiz and 10 of you got 100%! Fabulous! Congratulations to Lillia as she was top scorer. It's Thursday today so that means a great science lesson and in Holes, we get to finally meet The Warden. To work!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 2-7-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Are your skills for the virtual Lancashire Schools' Sports Festival improving? Click on the link below to try another sport's day skill. Send in any photos or clips and I will forward them to Mr Steele.


L.O To learn about the circulatory system and how exercise affects our heart rate and breathing rate. 


1. Read through the slides. 2. Watch the videos in the science folder. 3. Complete the Worksheet.


LO: To sketch a character

Before you do any reading or listening today, you need to write today's date and LO then sketch what you think The Warden looks like. Pay attention to facial expressions, body shape, clothes and accessories.

LO: To use appropriate language

Read or listen to Chapters 13 - 17. Click on the links below to listen to the audio book. Was your sketch of The Warden accurate? Then go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find information and instructions for today's task.



Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 12-13

Holes by Louis Sachar CH. 12-13 Read aloud with slides to accompany the story. (Recorded with

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch.14

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 14 Read aloud with slides to accompany the text. (Recorded with

Holes by Louis Sachar CH. 15-17

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 15-17 Read aloud with slides to accompany the story. (Recorded with


L.O Solving problems involving the calculation of percentages of amounts.

Today is our last OAK ACADEMY lessons on percentages this week.

The independent task involves finding the new price of an item when it has a percentage taken off. 

It will give you the full price which is 100% of the amount.

It will then give you what percentage you need to take off. E.g. 20% off

You need to work out the new price and then answer the question.


The full price of a pair of trainers was £80.00

The shop is selling them at 20% off the full price.

20% of £80.00 is (Work out 10% and double it)

10% is £8.00 so 20% is £16.00 – This is the amount the shop will take off the full price.

Don’t forget to take £16.00 away from the full price to find the new price.

£80.00 - £16.00 = £64.00. WHAT A BARGAIN.

Send your work in the normal way through the BLOG or EMAIL.

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