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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Good Morning Year 1


I received some amazing LOVE ONE ANOTHER posters yesterday. You are so fantastic and have fabulous imaginations.


I saw Louisa and her brother Jack too. They were out on their bikes with their mum and baby sister. It was lovely to see them.


Also you have TWO treats today when you finish your work!


Mrs Maxwell has read a story for you and I have listened, it's lovely.


Alexus has also recorded herself reading a story and I have put that under here on our page for you to listen to. How clever is she!? I am so pleased and I loved listening. I know you will tooheart


Today we are going to finish our comprehension books!

Please turn to page 32 and read the story.

Then please answer the questions in full sentences

(there are some people not doing this!surprise)


 Then Maths is more Inspire covering the things we have learned this year.

Remember, just write the answers and any working out you do.



Finally more Magic Grandad. This is again about toys like the one earlier in the week. This time, though the year is 1953. How different are the toys now or in the 1870's?


Thank you year 1


Have a lovely day.

Love Mrs Clough




Mrs Maxwell


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