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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Easter Holiday Ideas

Read a story every day
Read the Easter Story from your Children's Bible or find an animated version online or have another look at the school Readaround Powerpoint
Revisit all the Daily Rhymes we have shared so far
Go for a walk and keep looking for signs of spring
Make an Easter Egg picture and put it in your window so that other children will see them on their walks!
Have a go at making another of the recipes from Holy Thursday - biscuits, hot cross buns, easter crispy cakes or something else!
Get your water play activity out from week 1 and have fun pouring and filling from different sized jugs and containers
Make some malleable / messy play resources and have fun!

Remember you can add flavourings, herbs, colourings and grated citrus peel to playdough to alter its smell and colour

Sing, dance, make up multi skills games, re-do your Joe Wicks fitness sessions.......... and have FUN! 
Oh yes........................ one more thing...................remember to eat your EASTER EGGS!!! smileysmiley

Happy Easter!

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