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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 1st May

Hurray, it's Friday!

This is the last day of learning for the week so make it a good one. You can rest on the weekend. Let's see what Mrs Baird and Mrs Jones have set for you...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 1-5-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Dance Week

Dance fanatics,what have I planned for your final challenge ...

It's Dynamite by Taio Cruz!

There are 4 people to follow in this dance so ask your family if they want to join you. If not, just pick a person to follow and have a go yourself.

Click on the link, then ENJOY!


After you have completed this dance, vote for your favourite dance challenge of the week. This week's dances were: Uptown Funk, Old Town Road, What Makes You Beautiful, Gangnam Style and Dynamite. Write your vote on today's blog. Which will be the winning dance?!


Don't forget to click on the link to access PE Lessons with Joe Wicks.


Answers to Thursday's idiom questions are in the English folder on the year 6 website page.


LO: To use grammar and punctuation skills

Complete the next 10 min test from the purple KS2 Grammar and Punctuation Book: Book 1 Set B test 4 page 33. When you have finished, use the answers to mark your work out of 12 and post this score.  Fill in the End of Set B Score-sheet on page 39 with all your scores from Set B and post your score out of 60.

LO: To read with fluency and expression

Go to the Year 6 website page and open the English Folder underneath the date folders.

Use the information and instructions there to read a poem called, ‘The Door’. There are some links for you to two websites to listen to different people performing this poem. (The links are also under this information here). Then, in your red exercise books or on a word document, there are some questions for you to answer about the poem. Attach them to today’s blog or email them to me.

Finally, practice performing your poem out-loud using fluency and expression. Perform to an adult.



Can you believe it’s Friday and you know what that means. FRIDAY ARITHMETIC TEST. A PDF is attached below. It’s Test 7.

Do your working out and answers in your Maths Book and then get someone to mark it for you. BLOG me your score out of 40 please.

The answers are on the last sheet of the test. Please don’t look at them until you have finished, it will not help you. 

Remember to just try your best. I’m not expecting everyone to get 40/40.



LO: To learn about instruments from different countries

The Oud

Watch this fascinating clip to learn about a traditional Arabic musical instrument called the Oud which would have been played in AD900 Baghdad. It is the instrument that developed into firstly the lute (used in Tudor times) and then the modern day guitar. After you have watched the clip, answer the quiz questions saved in the Music folder on the Year 6 website page. Write your answers in your red exercise book or on a word document and attach them to today’s blog or email them to me. Answers on Monday!

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