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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 14th July

Good Morning Year 1 and Happy last Tuesday!


I said I would update you about the chicks...

They have grown a great deal since you last saw them.

At first when we took them to meet the hens and cockerels they were fine as they were in their own box in the pen.

When we removed them from their box there was one cockerel who was bullying them so I removed him and returned him to my father-in-laws where he came from.

I wasn't going to let him hurt the chicks!

The rest of them constantly tried to escape at first but now they are all happy together. One of the larger hens has the younger ones 'under her wing' literally as you can see.

Mr Clough and George go to see them daily and they love it when they get old bread from our cupboards as a treat! Here are some photo's. I am sure you can see they are all fine and have changed a great deal since the time they were tiny chicks in my kitchen.


Keeping them under her wings


Playing out



Today please could you search out your phase 2,3 and 5 sound mat and practise reading all the sounds. Then please write as many words as you can containing the sounds.


Maths is more Inspire. Remember to write the answers clearly please.


Finally please complete Miss Kidd's science work.


Ellie sent a video today and you can see it on the video page under this one. Please look. It made me smile. I loved reading all your wonderful qualities yesterday. I'm so gald you know how great you are!


See you tomorrow

Love Mrs Cloughheartheart


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