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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning Year 1

Happy Wednesdaylaugh


As well as joining in with Joe this morning why don't you ask if you can search Kids Bop on google and have a dance at some point today? I


Today I would like you to go on Education City for Maths, I promise it is there! I am so sorry about yesterday's phonics. I had forgotten to schedule the lessonssurprise


The title is Money and it concentrates on problem solving with money. I think you are good enough at recognising money now and knowing what it is worth to give this a try.


Turn to your Comprehension books for English today please. You will be  reading sentences on page 18 and circling the correct picture.

On page 19 you need to trace the sentence very carefully and then match the speech to the correct person.

Finally page 20 involves reading a rhyme and drawing a matching picture for the end of the rhyme.


Then some art. Your Reggie Laurent work last week was good but I think we can do more!

Here are some of his pictures to help.

He draws white shapes (of any sort)  first (he uses black paper but you can use any colour paper and any colour outline)and then fills them in and fills in the spaces all around them.

Have a look.



Here are some pieces some other children made.


Can you make your own Reggie piece using pencils, felt tips, paint or (like Oliver did last week) collage?


I can't wait to see your creations.

Please send them to me!

Enjoy creating year 1, it may be sunny enough to do it outdoors today!


Love Mrs Clough

P.S. There is a story under here for you to listen to...


The Smeds and the Smoos

The day the chicks were introduced to the dogs!


Hi Year 1.

This morning we were cleaning out and checking the chicks and our dogs were very interested as usual so Mr Clough decided to introduce them to each other. It was a good idea as our dogs were wondering what was going on in the shed and barked at the door. Since they were introduced and watched them go back they have been much less interested. I took photos...

Wanda Socks was very curious.


Tyrion tried to kiss the chick


He was very calm

I have no photos of Judy as she was out for a walk at the time. She's a good girl anyway

Hope you like these photos!

Love Mrs Clough

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