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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 2nd June

Hello Year 5! Are we ready for Tuesday’s work? I hope so! Please keep blogging and emailing your work. It’s great to hear from you. I know some of you will be finding it difficult at home now but we must keep on going and keep smiling.

Here’s what I would like you to do today:

LO – To comprehend a text

What did you think of the Rhiswanozebtah? Re-read the report of the fascinating creature from yesterday. I would then like you to answer the following questions in your book or on the blog.


  1. What are the four distinct animals that make up this creature?
  2. The Rhiswanozebtah likes to sleep in patches of grass. Is this statement true or false?
  3. What evidence is there to suggest that the Rhiswanozebtah is agile?
  4. Find and copy a word that is closest in meaning to ‘unlikeable’  
  5. The text refers to area the Rhiswanozebtah inhabits. What are they?
  6. Look at the table below. Tick the food that the Rhiswanozebtah would eat.


7. Why might the Rhiswanozebtah be so rare?

8. Which section of the text tells you what the Rhiswanozebtah can do? Write the opening sentences of that section.

9. Give two ways in which the Rhiswanozebtah could be a nuisance.

10. At the end of the text it states:


Amazingly however, there have been rare sightings in other parts of the world, so just maybe, the Rhiswanozebtah will be spotted in a neighbourhood near you in the not-so-distant future.


What might happen if a Rhiswanozebtah did make its home near to where you live? List the things that you might witness as a result of this new creature moving in. consider all the facts about how it behaves.

LO – To multiply mixed numbers by integers

I received some good scores for yesterday’s fraction work. Well done! We are going to continue with White Rose Maths today. Click on the link to take you to the White Rose website and look for Summer Term – Week 6. Watch the video for Lesson 2.

Then complete the worksheet I have uploaded below. Have a go and do your best. Mark your work and send me your score through the blog or by email.

LO – To revise giving opinions

This week we are going to revise expressing opinions and in the following lessons, we will use these opinions to talk about music.  There is some audio on some of the slides which will help with the tasks. On slides 3 and 4, you will see four pictures. You need to use the opinions pictures to write a sentence expressing the opinion for EACH picture. Then you will need to write 6 sentences for slide 6 expressing your own opinion of the pictures. Your work can be done in your books and you can send a photo for us to have a look at. Or you can comment on my blog post with your sentences. We look forward to reading what your opinions are. 


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