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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 13th Nov

Please do not worry about printing out any work sheets, if you do not have a printer just copy out the answers into your exercise books. Then any work can be blogged (photos only if you can) so I can see who has completed the homework tasks.

Thank you

Mr Steele 



Maths Homework Friday 13th Nov

Copy and complete these written multiplication calculations into your exercise books. You have been doing these is class so try your best! 

Remember your presentation and setting out correctly is really important. Enjoy!





English Homework Friday 6th Nov

Read the start of this lighthouse story. Then answer the comprehension questions on the next slide into your exercise books.

If you want an extra challenge why not finish the story and write the ending into your exercise books. Blog me when you have completed this task and if you want blog me your answers and stories, I would love to read them! 

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