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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 3rd April

Good Morning Year 3!

Another week of Home Learning done! Wow you are all superstars! Keep checking the gallery to see if your work is on there, and to see what your friends have been up to! 

I hope you are all keeping positive and smiling!
Remember, every day is a day nearer to being back at school!

Keep making me proud! 

Love Miss Townson heart

P.E with Joe | Thursday 2nd April 2020

Day 9 of my 9am daily workouts 😀


Log onto Education City and open the classwork named 'Friday 3rd April - English'. 

The first activity is to listen to the poem 'Hungrily' the second activity is a worksheet with questions about the poem. I would like you to choose 10 questions from the sheet and complete them into your Workbooks. You do not need to do all of the questions on the page as there is a lot! 10 will be enough. Remember to write in full sentences, using the question in your answer! 



Log onto Times table Rock Stars and spend 10 mins on garage, 10 mins on studio and 10 mins on soundcheck. I will be checking your scores, let's see if anybody else can get into the 144 club! Good luck! yes



The next part of the mass that we are going to look at is the Preparation of the Gifts. The Gifts (Bread and Wine) are brought to the altar during the Offertory.

Read the two documents below with information on.


Answer the following questions in full sentences in your work books:

Friday 3rd April, 2020
LO: To explore the Gifts that are brought to the altar during Mass.


1) What gifts are brought in procession to the altar?

2) Who brings the gifts to the altar?

3) Who receives the gifts?

4) What does the priest do with the gifts?

5) What do the gifts of bread and wine represent?

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