Good morning Year 3,
I hope you are enjoying our home learning tasks! Remember to comment on the blog every day to let me know how you are!
Today you have 3 tasks:
1. Maths
2. English
3. History
Please also play on TTRS
I also have some exciting news regarding reading at home... We now have access to a website called Epic! Here is the link:
If you go onto the website and click on 'Class Code' at the top you need to enter our class code. You can find our class code on the blog! Or email me and I will send it you.
It will then recognise you are in Mrs Sethi's class and you need to click on your initials.
I have assigned everybody to read the book 'The Wizard of Oz'. You can also access a huge range of books. Some of the books are audio books and you can listen to them. I would like it if you could read a book, or some of a book every night using this online platform.
I am able to check that you are reading every day, so make sure you go on it every day! You can earn badges on the website for lots of reading!
Happy reading! Have a lovely day.
Love Mrs Sethi x
LO: To divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Today you are going to continue with the division from yesterday. You need to carefully watch the video I have posted below that explains the lesson. Then you need to complete the worksheet. I have put a times table sheet below too for you to use if you need it. I know this is really hard Year 3, but keep trying, you are all working so hard!
Divide 2-digits by 1 digit (2)
LO: To complete a Spelling, punctuation and grammar test.
Today Year 3, you are going to complete a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test. You can either print it out, or complete it in your lined paper book. I will post the answers to the test on the blog at the end of the day so you can mark your work!
LO: To understand the terms ‘invade’ and ‘settle’.
Today Year 3, we are going to start our new topic…. THE ROMANS!
I am so excited to start working through this period of time as it is so interesting!
First of all, I would like you to work your way through the power point I have attached below, it explain everything you need to know.
You then need to open your yellow Home Learning Packs and find the worksheet called 'Invaders and Settlers Worksheet 1A'.
You need to complete this by sorting the words into ‘invaders’ or ‘settlers’ and circle the correct answers at the bottom. Have fun!