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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd March

Task 1

Maths - Greater than and Less than

Watch the video - Counting to 20 and exercise.

Watch the video - Comparing numbers, greater than and Less than

Put 6 toys on the floor and put 3 toys on the floor. (You've got two groups.


Which group has the less amount of toys? 6 or 3?

Now get 12 toys and put them on the floor. Get 9 toys and put them on the floor.

Which group has the greater amount of toys? 12 or 9?


Can you find out which group is greater than or less than? Write in your exercise books: _ is greater than _ or _ is less than _.

_ is greater than _


 _ is less than _




Count to 20 and exercise

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Comparing Numbers - Greater than and Less than

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Task 2

Phonics - Revising Phase 3 sounds.

Watch the video - Finding Phase 2 words.

Play matching pairs with 'ar' and 'or' words.

card, farm, jar, star, arm, park, fork, torch, cord, horn & sport.

Choose a word, draw a picture and write a sentence.

Finding Phase 2 words

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Task 3

PSED, C & L & EAD - Feelings

How are you feeling about coming back to school?

Click on School Videos - Reception Class 2020 - 2021 - Watch the video - Wemberly Worried.

I would like you to draw/paint two rainbows.

Draw a happy face with your name under it.

Write what you are looking forward to when you come back to school.

Now draw/paint another rainbow but this time draw a worried face with your name under it.

Write what you might be worried about when you come back to school.

Don't forget to take photos of your rainbows because I am going to make a display. smiley

Watch the video - My Happy Song.


My Happy Song

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