- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Ukraine Update
We are pleased to announce we have raised over £720.00 with the dress down day and Ukraine items people have purchased.
We have had an amazing number of items people have donated which has resulted in over 10 large boxes and numerous bags of aid.
The items available to purchase from tomorrow are.....
£2.00 Ukrainian Angel Keyring
£1.00 Small Ukrainian Angel
Thank you for all your support!
How are we supporting Ukraine?
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am sure that many of you have been glued to the television this week watching the terrible crisis evolve in the Ukraine. Please remember the people of Ukraine in your prayers and let's hope a peaceful resolution can be found. The images on our television screens are disturbing as the impact of war on our innocent victims is portrayed.
During Lent, a season of giving to others, we have decided to focus on providing aid to the people of Ukraine. We will be opening school as a collection point to collect basic essentials to support the displaced citizens of Ukraine.
We will be collecting the following items;
Nappies, baby wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, blankets, first aid kits, sanitary products, soap, shampoo and any other toiletries you think will be of use.
The items are being collected on Wednesday 9th March by a local couple with connections to Ukraine and they are very grateful for any donations received.
On Wednesday 9th March, we are asking children to come to school dressed in blue or yellow, or a combination of both (please do not buy anything new, any colour will do!). Please can we ask for a £1 donation so we can donate to the CAFOD DEC Ukraine Humanitarian appeal.
Our Angels are back!!
Some of our wonderful staff have been busy making angels, ribbons and rosettes over the weekend in order to support Ukraine and raise as much money as possible. These items can be purchased from the school office and all proceeds will be donated to CAFOD DEC Ukraine Humanitarian appeal.