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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Good morning Year 1


We are now beginning our last full week of this school year.


I cannot tell you how proud I am of you all for changing the way you learn.

I am constantly amazed at the amount of work I receive each and every day from so many of you.

The quality of the work is also fantastic.

Thank you all so much.


Please get active this morning. Let's hope you are able to get outside and the rain stays away. Fingers crossedfrown


Today I would like you to find your year 1 & 2 common exception words sheet and practise reading and writing the year 2 words in preparation for next year. Read them, time yourself. Try to write them without looking. Do it any way you feel happy with.


Next Maths

Here are some revision sheets from Inspire Maths for you to answer. You do not need to print them out, just write the answers so I can see how you have done. Of course if you need to show me how you have worked it out that would be fantastic too.




Now for History and some more Magic Grandad. You may notice that there seem to be quite a few grandads who are magic as today's episode features a different onelaugh.


This is about toys in the year 1870. Look and see how they were similar or different to your toys today.

After I want you to make/ colour/ draw me some of your favourite toys please. Or perhaps invent a new onesurprise.

Miss Kidd and I were talking last week and we are always amazed by how creative you are, so come on! Get creating toys.


Please don't forget to read as usual.

Reading is the key we all need to unlock everything we can learn.


Have a lovely day Year 1

Love Mrs Cloughheart

P.S There's a very silly story to listen to under herelaughlaughlaugh


Mrs Vickers Knickers

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