- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Welcome to Nursery!
A Big Welcome to all our children, parents and carers to Nursery. We welcomed three new friends after Easter and everyone has settled into routines and are becoming firm friends.
Our topic focus for this half term is "Animals" and we will be looking at farm animals and wild animals and their habitats, and learning the names for animal babies too. May is the month of Mary and we will take part in the school celebration of the Crowning of Mary and have our own Spring Liturgy celebrating Easter-time and the Resurrection.
We have quite a few children staying every day for full days, taking advantage of the extra paid top-up sessions available. There are still spaces left so do spread the word. Staying for one full day and having lunch may even help your child get ready for Reception in September. The cost of a full day is £12.
Stay and Play Sessions are available each week for under 3s and their parents/carers/grandparents. We welcome all our little visitors on Tuesday mornings 9-10 and Wednesday afternoons 2.15-3.00pm. Please let your friends, family and neighbours know about us - our sessions are getting busier and it's a great way to meet other parents and let your child do all those messy activities!!
Please do come and talk to us at the start and end of each day about anything that's on your mind - no question is too silly or awkward!
Mrs Barker and Mrs Taylor
Morning Session: |
Doors open at 8.55am for a 9am start. |
Doors open at 11.45 for collection by 12pm. |
Afternoon Session: | Doors open at 12.30pm. |
Doors open at 3.15pm for collection by 3.30pm. |
Extra Sessions
Theme Week - A Festival of Light.
Wow! What a busy week we had learning all about Festivals of Light! We started by learning about the Hindu festival of Divali.... we made diva lamps with salt dough, acted out the story of Rama and Sita and the 10 headed Ravana, chalked welcome greetings at the entrance and baked home made star biscuits for our brothers, sisters and families. We celebrated belonging to our class and home families in our class worship and lit our new candle lamps as we thanked God for all the love he surrounds us with.