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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 21st January

Good morning Year 5. Yesterday was a brilliant day and I heard from almost all of you! Thank you for working so hard. As well as your 3 lessons that I set you, please keep on reading and going on TTRS. You are doing such a brilliant job with this. I’m missing you all but you are certainly making me proud. I’m finding it difficult to choose a home learner of the week because you’re all working so hard!


Please remember to blog or email your work.

LO – To use a range of punctuation to indicate parenthesis.

Yesterday’s lesson was on parenthesis (extra information) and today we are going to continue with this. There are 2 parts to your lesson and you must complete both.

  1. Open the document below and answer the questions which are all on parenthesis. Take your time and think carefully.

2. Click on the link below which will take you to a Kahoot quiz I have made on parenthesis. You must write your proper name (no silly nicknames please) so I know it is you! Good luck, I will let you know who the champion is!

LO – To solve multi-step addition and subtraction word problems.

Today you are going to use your skills of addition and subtraction learnt this week to solve multi-step addition and subtraction word problems. Your lesson today is on Education City so please log in and find your lesson (21/1/21 – Word Problems) under classwork. Some of the questions are quite tricky and need thinking about so please read the questions carefully and take your time. You need to complete the activity AND the worksheet.


The sheet below is optional if you want a challenge.

LO – To understand how Jesus began his Mission and how it is lived out today.

Jesus was ‘a man with a mission.’ But what was his mission? Read the scripture and the information in the slides below which will give you more information.

Now complete the 2 tasks.


  1. All over the world today, Christians try to put Jesus’ mission into action. Look at the picture below and answer the following questions in your book:


What does this picture show?

What command given to us by Jesus is shown in this picture?

What should the man in the picture do to follow the mission given to us by Jesus?

2. Look at the ten things Jesus said below. I want you to think: what did he mean? What was the challenge? What difference would it make?


Write about each thing Jesus said in three ways. First: what does it mean? Second: why is it challenging? Third: what would change if everyone followed this teaching?


I expect you to do at least 5 of these and I know most of you are capable of doing them all.



I think it means that if you are a peacemaker and try your best to get along with everybody then you will be happy. If you do this, you are doing what God taught us to do. It is challenging because there may be times (like when you fall out with somebody and disagree with them) that you find it difficult to make peace with them. If everyone followed the teaching, the world would be a very calming, peaceful world where everyone gets along.

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