- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good morning Year 4 happy Friday you have made it to the end of the week well done with the amazing attitude at home and keep working hard today! Try your best just like you would in school.
Remember you must blog me! Click on the 2016 blog post to see all year 4 blogs and Mr Steele blog post to see mine. If you have trouble accessing and completing any work get an adult to email me so I can help. Parents/careers can email me on: Year4_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Keep reading (maybe use GETEPIC!) and logging into TT Rockstars (I have started a new battle!) daily also!
Task 1: English
LO: Poetry
As you know we have had a lot of rain this week and you should be able to come with some great ideas for your own poetry. Read the PowerPoint slides below, read the poems and answer the questions into your exercise books.
Take your time, read the text and questions really carefully (DO NOT RUSH). I will upload the answers also so you can mark your own work.
Then in the same style as one of the poems I would like you to write a RAIN poem into you exercise book. Take inspiration from the rain outside and how it has made you feel this week.
Just try your best and use the answers to mark your work and blog me your results, enjoy! Blog or email me your work I would love to read them!
Task 2: Maths
LO: To Multiply 3 numbers
To access today’s Maths click on the links below:
One is the video lesson
One is the work sheets to complete
One is the answers
Watch the video lesson, then click on the activity PDF. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!
Task 3: PSHE
LO: Relationships and Important People
This is a really important time for us to consider the relationships we have with people and who is important to us and why. Take a look at the activities below, taking time to reflect on how your relationships with your friends may have changed over this period of time.
Click on PowerPoint and follow the instructions carefully, there are also 3 word documents below (Resources 1, 2 and 3). The PowerPoint will tell you when you complete a resource sheet, have them ready, you can either print them out, type straight onto the document or copy them into your exercise books.