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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th May

Gooooood Morning Year 3!

I hope you are all feeling excited about today's home learning!

Thank you to those of you that are posting on the blog and parents that are emailing! It really makes my day to see your work and I am so proud of you all working so hard at home. 

Remember as well as your daily tasks to:


-Practise your spellings (doesn't matter we've done them before!!)

-Play on TTRS for 20mins




Have a wonderful day, here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson 


LO: To recognise equivalent fractions.


Click on the link below to take you to the White Rose Maths website. Scroll down to Week 2 click the + next to it.

Then scroll down to 'Lesson 5 - Equivalent Fractions (1)'.

Watch the video and then complete the task I have attached below. 




LO: To answer questions on a given text.

In your Home Learning Packs, find the CGP Comprehension book. Turn to page 8 and read the extract from Bill's New Frock (An excellent book, one of my faves!!!). 

Once you have read the text, answer the questions on page 9. Remember you can look back at the text as many times as you like. 



Well done last week Year 3 introducing your families.

Today we are going to build on the phrases by adding the name of the family member, and as an extra challenge, giving their age. The power point has all the instructions and examples to help you, and if you click on the audio icon you will hear me saying the key phrases out loud so you can 'listen and repeat'!. Please send your pictures in by email to Miss Townson, of post in the comments of the French blog post. 😊

Mrs Miskell

French Power point

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