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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Welcome to St John the Baptist RC Primary School, Reception's Class Page

Meet the Reception Team

Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) Phase 2 Pure Sounds

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Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) Phase 3 Pure Sounds

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Explore and Play Sessions

EYFS Nativity - Snuggle Up Stable. The Children were amazing!

Advent - Reception are waiting. 2nd Candle of Peace

Advent - Reception are Waiting. 1st Candle of Hope

Reception's PE lesson. This week we travelled along the benches and jumped off different sized stools.

Baptising a Baby in the Continuous Provision. The children poured the water into the Font. Then made a cross to bless the water. Next they poured the water over the baby's head and said, ' I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'

Belonging - Reception visited the Church. We sat on the Pews/Benches. We knelt on the kneelers to say a prayer. We walked down the Aisle to the front of the church. We did a bow and went onto the Altar and looked at the Bible. Finally, we looked at the Font and learnt this is where babies and people are welcomed into church by baptising them.

Journey through the decades. First, we studied the Artist, Kandinsky and created Concentric Circles. Next we looked at fashion from the 1920s to 2024 and then we created our own T-shirts. On Wednesday, we learnt about Neil Armstrong being the first man on the moon, we looked at the planets in the Solar system and then created our own planet. Finally, we danced for 3 hours and 45 minutes over 4 days. We learnt different dances and enjoyed the Birdie dance and Gangnam Style dance.

On the 11th October we created ourselves using different materials

Our first PE lesson on Tuesday. The children did very well undressing and dressing and we managed to find a space, travel around the hall safely by walking, jogging and running and finally we tried to side step around the hall.

Information for parents about Reception's Baseline Assessments (RBA)

Welcome Meeting Friday 20/9/24

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