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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 5th May

Good Morning Year 3,

I am LOVING all the emails and blog posts that I am getting with your work on, it makes my day! Keep it up!

Remember to...


-Practise your spellings

-Play on Times Table Rock Stars for 15mins

-Do some exercise!


Here are today's learning tasks...

Love Miss Townson heart


LO: To place fractions on a number line.

We are going to carry on with some Fractions work this week.

Follow the link below to access the White Rose Maths page.
You then need to click the + next to the ‘Week 2’ section.
The first lesson is called ‘Fractions on a number line’

Watch the video and then complete the activity I have posted below.


LO: To explain why we celebrate VE Day.

I promised you there would be someone joining our online learning today… and that person is my Grandma!

If you follow the link below to the ‘School Videos’ section of our website, then scroll down to Year 3 videos, you will find the video of me and my Grandma.

I would like you to watch the video of me asking my Grandma questions about the war and how she celebrated VE day and then I want you to make a poster all about WHY we celebrate VE day.

Think about answering these questions with the information on your poster:

  • Why is it important to remember VE day?

  • Why is it a celebration?

  • Who are we remembering?

  • What did those people who suffered and die do for us?


Hello Year 3. In the lesson today we are going to introduce our family, and learn 6 new words for family members. Remember to enable audio on the power point so you can hear it - there are some phrases for you to listen and repeat! Please remember to send in pictures of your work in the usual way, either a comment on my blog post or an email to Miss Townson, I really look forward to seeing your fantastic work.

Mrs M.

French Power Point

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