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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 15th July

Good morning Year 6!

A massive well done to those of you who managed to complete 3 tasks yesterday. We are very proud of you for continuing with your learning.

Mrs McKeating has sent a Zoom invitation to you all so you can join the whole school celebrating our Prize Day at 9.00 am. It would be lovely to see you all joining in this end of school year annual event. You can also click on the link below to join us.

When Prize Day has finished, there are three lessons for you to complete as normal.

Enjoy your day!


There are 4 tasks to complete today. First of all, click on the audio link below to listen to Chapters 23 - 25 of Holes. We are going to find out about KKB - it's good.

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 23

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 23 Read aloud with slides to accompany the text.(Recorded with

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 24-25

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 24-25. Read aloud with slides to accompany the text.(Recorded with


Y5 are sadly isolating as well and they will miss their moving up day on Friday. If you had been in school I was planning on doing a Q&A with you and Y5.

What I would like you to do instead is to write a letter to Y5 telling them what it's like in Year 6.

Most children are really nervous coming into Y6 (Can't think why wink). 

They think the work might be too hard and it's really scary.  In your letter I would like you to reassure the Y5s that there is nothing to be nervous off and they will be able to do the work. 

You can also tell them all about Borwick, as we will be going again next year. 


Please send me your letters using the BLOG or EMAIL. 



Maths- L.O Solving money problems and calculating percentages.

I know how much you all love Harry Potter, so today I am going to take you shopping in Diagon Alley. 

How much will you spend and what will you buy?

Click on the slides below to find your questions. Send me your answers on the BLOG or EMAIL. 

Before you do your maths, you need to go with Harry to get your money.

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