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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 6th January

Good morning Year 5! I hope you are all well, happy and smiling. Today is the first day of home learning and I am looking forward to hearing from you all. Thank you to those children who completed some of the isolation work yesterday. I was impressed!


Please make sure you blog your work or send it by email to Please also make time to read today and do some exercise and let me know what you do.


Here are your lessons for today:



LO - To create and punctuate complex sentences using 'ing' openers.

We use a range of sentence openers in our writing to make it more engaging to the reader. It's boring if you don't vary your openers! Today we are going to focus on 'ing' openers (so your sentence begins with a word ending in 'ing' such as jumping or running.) First of all, read the information on the slides below.

Now complete the worksheet below. I would like you to write the sentences out in your book. You should have 16 sentences in total. Don't forget the comma!


LO - To determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000,000.

This week we are going to recap on our place value knowledge. Watch the video below on numbers up to 1,000,000. You can pause it and rewatch it as many times as you need. Then complete the worksheet below. When you have finished, mark your work and let me know you how you did.

Compare and order to 1000000

OPTIONAL - If you complete this work quickly and found it easy, you may choose to have a go at the challenge below. 


LO - To understand the importance of positivity.

This is such an imortant lesson especially in the strange times we are living in. It's difficult at the minute but we must keep positive and help others to do the same. We have many things to be greatful for and must have a positive mind eventhough sometimes it's hard to do so. Read the positive quotes on the slides below. Do you have a favourite?

Now complete the scenarios on the worksheet below. You only need to write the positive thought in your book!
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