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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning Year 5. It’s the middle of the school week already! What a lot of snow we had yesterday! I didn’t leave my house all day as it was far too cold for me. This week, things get a bit more exciting as I am now meeting with you all at home through Microsoft Teams at 9:10 every morning. Please make sure you log on!


Here are your lessons for today. I would also like you to read either on GETEPIC or a book of your choice. We have read over 400 books now on GETEPIC! I’m so proud of you all for this achievement.


Please make sure you blog or email your work.

LO – To infer characters’ thoughts and feelings.

Your lesson today follows on from yesterday and is about the story ‘The Curse of Cogston House.’ I know it was quite a lot for you to read but hopefully most of you managed to read it over the day. Today’s lesson will focus on the characters and their feelings. Please watch the video on the school video page which will guide you through your lesson. Pause the video and complete the tasks when I tell you to.



LO – To read and interpret tables.

Please watch the video below and pause to complete any tasks. Then complete the worksheet and mark your work.

Read and interpret tables

The following task is optional if you finish your work quickly and want a challenge.


Here is today's music lesson sent by your lovely Samba teacher. There are 4 exciting activities to complete. These activities are all explained on the Word document attached below. Here is a summary of your tasks today:


Activity 1: The History of Samba

Activity 2: Recognise your new rhythms from the clip last week (open the pdf document) and listen to the ‘Stomp’ clip.

Activity 3: Practice rhythms to your favourite song

Activity 4: Practice rhythms from last week.

FUN GAME: Click on the second clip below to play 'Don't Clap this one Back'


Blog or email your teacher in the normal way to let them know how you got on. I hope you have fun!


Guitar - Don't Clap This One Back

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