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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 18th June

Good morning Year 6!

Well, who watched the premiership football last night? There were some excited people in my house I can tell you (but not me). What about that goal-line technology! There has still been no rain here but according to the weather forecast, it's arriving in bucket fulls today! So, let's see what you fabulous children will be learning while the rain is pouring outside...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 18-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



This week is a mix-up of different exercises and activities. Today's activity is a another new one. You are going to try some Pilates which is great for building up core and muscular strength. Click on the link below and try it out.


There are 2 tasks today.

LO: To use a dictionary

Write today's date and LO in your exercise book or on a word document. Underneath, write these words with their dictionary definition alongside. Use an online dictionary if you haven't got the book. I hope you recognise where these words are from!

1. amble (verb)

2. trundle (verb)

3. freckle (verb)

4. gleam

5. feral

6. cautiously

LO: To extend ideas

For your second task, you are going to extend your fantastic combinations from Tuesday's list poem in three different ways. This will help you generate more complex lines for your poem on Friday. Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find instructions for this task.


L.O To reflect simple shapes

Today is the last lesson using  Online OAK ACADEMY lessons. Tomorrow is back to arithmetic. Still using co-ordinates we are going to learn how to reflect simple shapes. The video will tell you how to do the OAK ACADEMY lessons is still available on the Year 6 video page.


The link to today’s lesson is below.

Send your work in the normal way through the BLOG or EMAIL.


L.O Understand the symbols used in a circuit diagram and how the brightness of a bulb is related to the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.

Today your work is on Education City and is revision of the Electricity topic that we did in the Autumn Term. YOU WILL NEED TO DO THEM ON A LAPTOP, AS THEY ARE NOT ALL TABLET FRIENDLY. Once you have done the Education City activities there are some experiments you can try.


It isn’t safe to play with circuits and electricity at home, but you can safely do experiments using a special type of electricity called STATIC ELECTRICITY.

Watch the YOUTUBE video. Even if you can’t do them at home, they are fun to watch.


Static electricity is the build-up of an electrical charge on the surface of an object. The smallest particle of a material which an object is made from is called an atom. Atoms contain an equal amount of positive and negative charges. Atoms with the same type of charge repel one another, while those with the opposite type of charge attract one another.




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