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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 24th March

Fabulous work yesterday Year 5! Keep it up! Don't forget to start your day with a Joe Wicks workout. I have also set up a Boys vs Girls tournament on Timestable Rockstars so please contribute to this. Well done to all those who have played on this so far. 


LO - To create and punctuate complex sentences using a range of different openers.

I want you to think about Daniel and Mr Silver exploring New York. You should all be experts by now at what they would see and what they could do in the city! Your task for today is to create and punctuate 10 complex sentences using a mixture of ‘ing’ ‘ed’ and simile openers. Please post these on the blog as a comment on my post. Don't do your own post. I expect at least 10 sentences however if you want to do more you can do.


We have done these before so they should be good. Here are some examples:


Excited to explore New York, Daniel leapt towards the door and set off into the night.

Limping down the streets, Silver pointed at the wondrous sights of New York City.

Like a grand castle, the famous Plaza Hotel towered over Daniel and Mr Silver.



LO - To use a formal written method for long and short multiplication

Click on the link which will take you to your Maths work for today. Choose to do part A, B or C. Some of them will require short multiplication and some of them will require long multiplication. Please show your working out and complete these in your exercise book. When you have finished, you could get an adult to check them using a calculator and mark them. If you want, you could share your scores with me via the blog!



Complete the following task from your Lumen Challenge sheet in your home-learning pack. Look at Section 2 - French speaking countries. Complete task 2 - Draw the flags of France and two other French speaking countries, and find out what the colours and images mean. As an extra challenge, compare the French flag to the British flag. Are there any similarities or differences in colours and the meaning?


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