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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 4th June

Good morning everyone!


Let's start this morning with a sing song...

Task 1: Phonics initial sounds - Find your I spy sheet in your pack

Next, choose something from the picture for example the spoon... spoon begins with S. Think about words beginning with S for the spoon such as Silver Smelly Slimy Spoon!

You could try this with your name too.

Task 2: The Story of Pentecost


Task 3: Make your own Underwater World / Aquarium


  • Find a cereal box or shoe box and stand it on its side so that the front is open.
  • Paint or collage the inside walls and roof with blues and greens to make the water and plants. 
  • Colour the bottom yellow or lay some fabric, coloured paper or sand on it.
  • Collect small pebbles or shells to make the sea bed.
  • Stick some thread on the fish you made the other day or draw/ print out some more.
  • Glue or stick the threads to the roof of your box

Have a look online for any other ideas of things to add or search through your toys. 

Enjoy playing! 

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