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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 22nd May

Good Morning Year1

Happy Half Term!


I cannot believe that it is already Half Term. You have worked so well yet again.

I do love to see all your photos either on the Blog or emailed to me.

Please thank your Grown ups for taking the time to do this.


Today please choose from Joe or a Kidsz Bop on Google.


Then we have some work on Education City.


The English work is called STORIES. It involves you listening to a story and talking about it. You may have to think what comes next too!

Listen and think carefully please.


Then Maths is looking back at things we have done since Easter. It is called Looking Back Friday 22nd May.

Finally this Half Term could you go to your Steppin Out Booklet.

Today's work is all about signs on the road and for pedestrians. Some are positive signs and some are about danger. The work is on pages 14,15,16 and 17. Then on the back page I want you to design your own sign. 


I have read another story if you would like to listen. I will put it under here.


Thank you so much for all your efforts this Half Term Year 1.

I can't wait until next Half Term to continue.

Please check the Newsletter for this weeks winners!

Love Mrs Cloughheart

Monkey Puzzle

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