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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 17th June

It's mid-week Wednesday everybody! 

Well done to LOTS of you for blogging and emailing excellent work yesterday. Your poems, artwork and maths were fabulous! The weather was really humid and I waited for a thunderstorm at home but we didn't get one.sadAnyway, let's see what super lessons you have today.smiley


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 17-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



This week is a mix-up of different exercises and activities. Today's activity is a new one. You are going on a walk! Click on the link below to find out why. CLUE: it links really well to the science work you have been doing.


LO: To respond to a poem

Today you are going to read a poem which uses a similar idea to ours. It is called The Cave of Curiosity. Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find instructions for today’s task.


L.O To translate simple shapes

We are going to use the Online OAK ACADEMY lessons again today. The lesson is still about co-ordinates, but today we are translating or moving a co-ordinates from one part of the grid to another.

If for some unimaginable reason you didn’t do your work yesterday you will need to go to yesterday’s lesson and watch the video. The video will tell you how to do the OAK ACADEMY lessons.

The link to today’s lesson is below.

Send your work in the normal way through the BLOG or EMAIL.


L.O Jesus cares for the sick

Read the slides below. You will read the story of Jesus healing the blind man. When you have read the story from the Bible I want you to write a newspaper report. There is a template below that you can use if you want, or you can write it in your book. (You can change the headline and the picture.)

Email or Blog your newspaper report to me please. 




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