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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 16th October

Hello Year 2,


Thank you so much for your fantastic homework that you sent in last week! Your maths work in particular was brilliant! Your God's wonderful world pictures were beautiful too, I loved looking at every single one! You are all super stars! heart


Here is your homework that I would like you to complete this week.



Recently, we have been practicing our number bonds and addition strategies. Please could you log onto Education City, find your Year 2 Homework called ‘Commutative law- addition 16/10’ and work your way through the learn screen and activities.



We have also been practicing our phonics words and sounds. Today I sent you home a worksheet with alternative spellings for oa. Please could you fill in the words for each picture using the correct spellings, then once completed, take a picture and send it to my email or put it on the school blog.


The phonics worksheet is below too.




*Please remember to read EVERYDAY!*  


Reading diary book change days will now be on Mondays and Thursdays.


Please make sure you bring your reading diary and book in on BOTH of these days each week, ready for a new book!


We would like you to be reading 2 whole school books a week so that you are practicing your reading and phonics regularly at home.


Thank you for all your hard work. laugh


Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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