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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 26th June

Good morning! I’m not sure how it’s Friday again but it is so let’s work hard before a well-deserved rest at the weekend. Thank you for continuing to work hard in the last few weeks of home learning. There are still a lot of you sending some excellent work which I love looking at every day. Try to catch up today if you missed some work yesterday. Many of you didn’t complete your work on Education City. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine as it looks like it might be thunder today!


Here are today’s lessons:

LO – To use commas correctly to clarify meaning

We are going to continue with the same learning objective as yesterday. It’s quite tricky, isn’t it? You really have to read the questions and think about how that all important comma can change the meaning completely! Complete the questions on the picture slides AND on the PDF document below. Mark them both and let me know your scores.

Arithmetic test

You guessed correctly! It’s Friday which means arithmetic test day. Read the questions carefully and take your time answering the questions.

Mark it when you have finished and send me your score through the blog or email. 

LO – To understand and identify phishing in its different forms

Phishing? What a funny word that is! No…I haven’t spelt it wrong and I don’t mean the kind where you look for fish! Phishing is a way that criminals get sensitive information (like usernames or passwords). It is a method of social engineering. Very often, phishing is done by electronic mail. This mail appears to come from a bank or other service provider. It usually says that because of some change in the system, the users need to re-enter their usernames/passwords to confirm them. This is so important to know as we get older and begin to use technology more independently.


Log in to Education City to find your lesson which is called ‘26/6/20 – Phishing computing


Have a lovely weekend and I’ll be back (virtually) on Monday!

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