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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another




Meet the Nursery team:

Nursery Class Teachers - Miss Kidd and Mrs Barker (Assistant Head)

Nursery Teaching Support Assistants - Miss Barnes (every day) and Mrs Taylor (Friday afternoons)


We are looking forward to having lots of fun in the summer term with our new friends and some of us are getting ready for moving onto Reception class in September. Our topic for this first part of summer term is Minibeasts in which we explore different kinds of minibeasts, how they change and their habitats. 


Could we ask that parents remember to name all uniform, shoes, coats and bags and to make sure that there is a bag of spare clothes on your child's hook at all times.


We now have a lot of children staying every day for full days, taking advantage of the government funded 30 hours scheme or the self funded paid top-up sessions that are available.  The cost of an additional afternoon session is £10 and ALL children staying for full days are required to pay £2 per day for the lunchtime supervision.

Could we ask that if you decide you would like your child to stay for lunch that you let us know the day before to ensure there is space available for that afternoon session as our numbers are increasing. 


There are some afternoon places available so please do check at the office. 


Stay and Play sessions are available each week for under 3s and their parents /carers /grandparents. We welcome all our little visitors on Tuesday mornings 9-10am and Wednesday afternoons 2.15-3.00pm. Please let your friends, family and neighbours know about us - our sessions are getting busier and it's a great way to meet other parents and let your child do all those messy activities!!


Please feel free to come and talk to us at the start and end of each day about anything that's on your mind - no question is too silly or awkward! 



Please remember that it is your responsibility to renew your 30 hours voucher codes and give the information to the school office for when the funding checks are carried out.


Staying at Nursery for full days (30 hours funded or self funded) means that you agree to paying the £2 per day fee to cover lunchtime staffing and this should be paid a week in advance, with all payments kept up to date.

Thank you. 

Nursery Class Picture Autumn 2018

Making Friends and Settling In

Our First Visit to Church together. We looked around so we would know where to sit in school masses and we explored the altar and Baptismal Font.

Macmillan pyjama day

Eco week 15/10/18 - Trashion show

Christmas dinner

Still image for this video

Nursery class photograph Spring 2019