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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Summer 2


This half-term, we are looking at Locational Geography.  The children will be using the World Cup to help them understand where some of our oceans, continents and countries are.  Each child has been given one of the 32 countries to research.

This lucky Jet Set Angel managed to get into the Zenit Arena in St. Petersburg, Russia to watch the Russia v Egypt game. She went with Steve who works for a TV company and she managed to meet 2 of the commentators, Danny Murphy and Jason Mohammed. How fantastic is that!

The children learnt about the Winter Olympics and where they were being held. They looked at all the different winter sports.


The children have been learning all about Elephants in Thailand.  They found out lots of interesting facts and have drawn their own elephants.  They can tell you the difference between an African elephant and an elephant you would find in Thailand.

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