- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Happy Monday Year 4 I hope you all had a good weekend!
Keep up the great work and trying your best just like you would in school.
Remember to keep blogging me every day!
Keep reading and logging into TT Rockstars daily also!
Click on this link below and watch this morning's assembly the whole school will be watching this just like having an assembly in school:
Have fun and keep active! Here are you task for today:
Task 1: English
LO: To answer vocabulary style questions
Todays English task you have to listen to me on the video very carefully and answer any questions into your English book, don’t forget the date and learning objective! You are in control of the video so pause at any time when answering the questions. You can go back to any parts of the video you missed or want to see/hear again. Enjoy and try your best!
Task 2: Maths
LO: To use place value to multiply and divide mentally
Today's Maths you can complete and copy all the questions into your exercise book from the PowerPoint below, teach yourself and pause on the slides with the questions on to complete. I will add the worksheet below as well, from the document below the slides choose either: tricky, trickier or trickiest and complete into your exercise book. Pause the slideshow and follow the PowerPoint carefully, you can do your own extra learning to help you understand or get help from an adult. Good luck and remember to just have a go!
Task 3: Geography
LO: To investigate Ancient Egyptian tombs
First watch the clip below by clicking on the link. The log onto Education City and click onto classwork then Geography Task: Monday 8th June. Complete all the activities into your exercise books and only use the answers to check your work. It looks like this: