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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 22nd June

Good morning Year 2, I hope you have had a great weekend!laugh

We are at the start of Week 14 home schooling already! Time seems to be going so fast but it feels like such a long time since I saw a lot of you!! I hope you are all managing to keep well and staying safe. heart Last week, I couldn't believe how many of you I saw and heard from, your activity on our online resources was fantastic, along with the super standard of work I received  on my email and the school blog. Please carry on doing your best, I really appreciate it!


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


Monday 22nd June     22/06/2020


Monday Assembly

Please click on the link below and watch this beautiful assembly called ‘Do Not Be Afraid’


Maths- Repeating patterns

Please log on to Education City and access the classwork ‘Patterns 22/06/2020’. Please work your way through the learn screens and activities.


English- Please find your KS1 English Comprehension Book. I would like you to read and answer pages 18 and 19 ‘On the farm’ and pages 20 and 21 ‘Sports'.


RE- Treasures

What do you treasure and why? Do you have special photographs? Do you have a special gift from somebody? Do you have any memorable artefacts?


On some plain paper, please draw, colour and label all the things that you treasure and find special in your life. If you like, you could draw them inside a template of a treasure box. J


I would draw my special necklace that I got from my mum and dad for graduating with my teacher degree, my Rosary beads that I got from my grandma at my Holy Communion, a photograph of my family together at a party, a picture of my dog called Lola, a letter that my dad wrote for me when he was poorly, a sparkly ring from my 21st birthday, a friendship bracelet from my first friend in primary school and a magnet from my favourite holiday. There are so many things!


Have a lovely day.smiley

Love Miss Dewhurst x


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