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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Year 3,

It's Wednesday today which means we are half way through the week!

As well as your daily tasks remember to do these as well:

1) Read - Comment on today's post on the blog and tell me what book you are reading at the moment!

2) Practise your spellings.

3) Play on Times Table Rockstars for at least 15mins. 


Please email me your work or post it on the blog. I love reading what you have been up to, so make sure you share it with me. Remember, my email address is: 


Here are today's fun-filled tasks...

Love Miss Townson heart


LO: To recognise tenths.

Follow the link below to the White Rose Maths. Click on the + for Week 1 and scroll down to Lesson 3 – Tenths.
Watch the video carefully and then do the worksheet activity that you will find further down here on our class page. Don’t forget the answers are on the White Rose website so you can check your work.


After you have completed that, I want you to log onto Education City and complete today’s Maths activity named ‘Wednesday 29th April – Maths’. These activities are all linked to the fraction work you have been doing on tenths.

Today's Maths Activity Sheet


LO: To write a character description using expanded noun phrases.

Yesterday you worked hard to create some exciting expanded noun phrases to describe the Dream Giver character. Today, I would like you to use those interesting descriptions to write a character description. We have done these before in school. I would expect you to write at least ¾ of a page in your work books and include the following:

  • Noun phrases

  • LOTS of adjectives

  • Verbs and adverbs to describe how he moves

  • Metaphors or similes

  • Alliteration
    You could write these as a checklist in your workbooks and tick off when you have included each feature!

I look forward to reading your super character descriptions. I have added the video again below so you can re-watch it if you like.

Dream Giver ♥


LO: To identify reliable sources online.

Today we are going to be looking at Reliable Sources online. There are so many websites on the internet and when we are searching for something in particular, we sometimes have to make sure that what we are reading is true. Sometimes, people post things on the internet that are not true, this is called fake news.


If you log onto Education City, you will find today’s Computing lesson named ‘Wednesday 29th April – Computing’ and these activities and learn screens are all about which sources we should trust and which we cannot trust. Work your way through the activities. There is an activity sheet that you can write the answers in your workbook for. The last section gives you some ideas on what your answers should have been, so you can see how well you did. 

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