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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 20th October

Happy Tuesday!

How is everybody? I hope you are well. There was some outstanding history work on the blog yesterday. I can see some of you put ALOT of effort into that piece of work. You cracked on with the angles work in maths and made an excellent job on your English comprehension work. So well done Year 6! Keep up the fantastic work today. I am VERY proud of you all.


LO: To compare and classify triangles

Whilst you are at home we are going to use the OAK ACADEMY lessons for your maths. In class we have started looking at the different triangle types. What you have been doing in class will help you with your lesson today.


Your teacher is called Miss Parsons. You will need paper, pencil and a triangle cut out of paper. Click on the link below to start the lesson. You will:

1. Complete the Intro Quiz.

2. Watch the video and do the questions she asks in your book.

3. Complete the work sheet in your book.

4. Check your answers back on the video with Miss Parsons.

5. Finish the lesson with the quiz. 

Go onto the BLOG and let me know how you got on by uploading your maths answers.


LO: To spell homophones accurately

LO: To use the colon accurately

Today we are going to focus on grammar work in English. First you will recall when to use: their, there and they're. Then you are going to recall how to use the colon :  .

Follow the instructions on the slides below. Write your answers in you book and upload them to the blog. Concentrate on making your sentences PERFECT! Do not miss any punctuation marks and copy the words correctly. This is excellent practice for you.


LO: To identify the countries of Europe

Since we are learning about World War One in history, we need to remind ourselves of the map of Europe where a lot of the fighting took place. Remember, it was because of World War One that the European map changed and many countries changed names or were reformed, for example, Poland. 

In this lesson, we will be learning about the continent of Europe. We will begin by identifying Europe on a world map. We will then identify other countries, including the United Kingdom, on the map of Europe. Get your books and pens out because there is a lot of countries to remember. Complete the final quiz at the end and blog your score to me. I love learning about maps and I hope you do to!

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