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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Pirate Peebats


Meet Pirate Peebats

Pirate Peebats is a very special little yellow duck. He was knitted by someone as part of a project to raise awareness about organ donation. These ducks are made and placed around the world for people to find or are given as gifts.  Pirate Peebats was found by Mrs McKeating and her family in a geocache box in Anglesey, Wales.  They left one of our Jet Set Angels in its place.  


All the information is on their website and they have a very special map with ducks showing where each duck was found.  


We are going to have so much fun with Pirate Peebats in school.  His adventures start on Thursday when he comes on Safari with Year 2.

These are the photos from when he was found.

Pirate Peebats and Humphrey Bear came on Safari with Year 2 to Knowsley. Pirate Peebats' behaviour was im-peck-able!

Angels on the Welshpool steam railway August - 2016

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