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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 7th July

Happy Tuesday Year 6!

We had another great day in school yesterday and we played out at break and lunch as there was no rain! Well done to home learners blogging and emailing their work. I really enjoyed reading your South American country information sheets as you all seemed to pick different countries. I can't wait for Chapter 26 today...



Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 7-7-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Today we are going to access a workout PE lesson on Let's Dance Tuesday. Click on the link below to follow the fitness for fifteen minutes!

15 min Kids Dance Fitness Workout

This is a workout routine for a Group Fitness class. Feel free to use in your own class or workout. DISCLAMER: Consult with your physician before beginning a...


L.O Reading and interpreting line graphs.

A line graph is a graph with points connected by lines to show how something changes in value:
• as time goes by,
• or as something else changes.

The line graph is a bit like a bar chart because the line goes where the top of the bars would go. You read it in a similar way to a bar chart.

A line graph is usually used to show the change of information over a period of time. This means that the horizontal axis is usually a time scale, for example minutes, days, months or years.

Example: How you are improving at TTRS each week. The horizonal axis would be the weeks and the vertical axis would be your speed.

Watch the video below to learn how to read a line graph and then click on the PDF Worksheet to find your questions. Send your answer using the BLOG or EMAIL. 



LO: To choose appropriate vocabulary

Your first job today is to read or click on the audio link below to listen to Chapter 26. It's quite shocking. Then go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find out information and instructions for today's task. There is a newspaper template for you to download below.

Holes by Louis Sachar by. 26

HOles by Louis Sachar CH. 26 Read aloud with slides to accompany the text. (Recorded with


LO: To tell the time in French

In this lesson, we will use all the new vocabulary we have been learning about time and use it to talk about what time we have our daily meals. All the information you need is on the powerpoint, but if you need any additional words for foods that you eat, use google translate to find them. The powerpoint is also saved as pictures in the French folder on the Year 6 website page.

Please remember to comment on the French blog or email your work to Mrs Jones.

Home learners - if you have already completed this work, please look on today's YEAR 5 website page and complete this French activity.

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