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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 25th February

Good morning Year 3,


You have all been working so hard this week, I am so proud of you all! Keep it up, we are nearly there!


Today you have 3 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. History


I would also like you to read on get epic and play on TTRS! I can't wait to see how good you all are at your times tables when we are back together soon!


Have a lovely day, keep smiling!


Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To find equivalent lengths using mms and cms.

Today Year 3, you are looking at equivalent lengths again, but this time with millimetres and centimetres.

You need to watch the video carefully below, pausing it when you are asked to complete activities. Then you have a worksheet to complete that I have attached below.

Equivalent lengths (mm & cm)


LO: To complete a comprehension.




Today you are going to complete a comprehension task from your CGP book. Get this out of your home learning pack and turn to page 8. You need to read the text called 'Bill's New Frock' and then answer the questions on page 9. Please send me a picture of your work, either on the blog or on my email.


LO: To know how the Romans have influenced our lives today.

Today we are going to be putting all our learning together that we have looked at over the past few weeks. First, I would like you to work your way through the power point below. It outlines all the different ways in which the Romans have influenced our lives today.

Then I would like you to find Worksheet 7B in your home learning packs. You need to complete this worksheet, picking 4 pictures from the top and writing about how that pictures represent what the Romans invented or introduced to Britain. Write all about how that now affects our lives.

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