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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 16th June

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are ok! I hope you enjoyed counting coins yesterday in Maths, your scores were brilliant! I loved your thank you cards too, they were beautiful! Please keep on trying your best and working hard laugh


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


Tuesday 16th June     16/06/2020


Maths- Please log onto Education City, find classwork ‘Maths 16/06/2020’ and work your way through the learn screen and activities.


English- To use expanded noun phrases.

Read the document below, then rewrite the sentences into your green book like the first example shown. You could add 1 or 2 adjectives to describe each noun. (If you are a family that wishes to print documents, that is fine to do also)

RE- To write a poem ‘Where is God?’


Please write me a poem to describe where God is (at least 6 sentences). I would like you to be very creative with your responses and try to start your sentences in different ways. You can rhyme if you like.


You may want to say God is in the clashing of the deep, ocean waves, he is in the glistening moonlight that silently twinkles down onto the dark towns below, he is in the burning rays of the sun on a hot summer's day, he is in the pitter patter of tiny mice feet and the enormous roar of a lion. It’s up to you laugh


You are welcome to decorate your poem when you have finished.


Your title is ‘Where is God?’


Have a great Tuesday!

Love Miss Dewhurst x

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