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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 15th January

Good morning Year 3! Happy Friday!

I am very impressed with how many people have been emailing me, posting on the blog and logging onto times table rockstars. Keep it up guys, you are all super stars! 


Today you have 3 tasks:

1. Maths

2. English

3. History


I hope you enjoy them! Make sure you also do some reading and play on TTRS! Comment on the blog to say hello too!


Have a wonderful day,

Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To complete an arithmetic paper.

Today I would like you to complete the arithmetic paper I have attached below. If you can print it you can, if not you can do the answers in your squared maths book.


LO: To complete a comprehension.

Today Year 3, you are going to complete a comprehension task from your CGP KS2 English Comprehension book in your Yellow Home Learning Packs. Turn to page 2 and 3 and read ‘Harriet’s Hare’ then complete the questions.  




LO: To find out why and how the Romans successfully invaded Britain.

Carrying on with our Romans topic, today we will be looking at the equipment of a Roman Soldier. First, you need to work your way through the power point I have attached below. It has lots of information about the Roman army and how the soldiers would operate in battles and what equipment they would have. When you have been through the power point, in your yellow home learning pack you will find ‘The Equipment of a Roman Soldier’ sheet with information on. There are 3 information sheets for you to read through. After that, I would like you to complete Worksheet 2B. You need to use the information you have read to label the roman soldier picture with lots of information.

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