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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



All the children wrote a letter to Peter and Elsa whilst they were on their travels. Peter has very kindly taken a lot of his time to write a personal postcard to each child answering their questions! How wonderful! The children were so excited to receive these and read their reply.

These are the pictures that the children have drawn of Peter and Elsa in their boat 'Wait and Hope'. Peter and Elsa are sailing all around the mainland UK raising money for PETAL and CRUK. They have an Angel each and we are following their journey as part of our Locational Geography topic.

Click on the link below to look at more photos of Peter and Elsa's journey.  These can be found in our Jet Set Angels page in PETAL.

Here are Peter, Elsa and their boat.

This half-term we are learning all about the country of Thailand. We had great fun trying to find it on a map and a globe.

Our Local Area- having fun completing a traffic survey. The children got lots of smiles, waves and pips of horns!

Drawing a graph using our results from the tally charts.

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