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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 26th January

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all ok and looking after your families.heart


Wow, I was blown away by your super results on Education City yesterday with your 2 times table tasks! You are doing so well with them! Your RE posters were wonderful too, I loved reading the facts you wrote down and presented so beautifully! I can't believe you are only in Year 2 with the fabulous standard of work, you are all super stars! Please keep it up! laugh


Below are your lessons for today. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog.


Everyday, please find time to log onto using our class code (that was texted to you and it's on our school blog) and click on your initials, to access the books that I am assigning for you to read. I will add more books each week. They can be found in your mailbox! If you have read your assigned books, please feel free to read any of the other age-related books available on the website too. This website is what our school is using to monitor your reading at home, please make sure that you are reading regularly.


L.O. Solving multiplication and division sums using the 5 times table.

Today, I would like you to log on to Education City, click on 'Homework' and access the work called 'Maths 5x table 26/01'. Please enjoy the different multiplication and division activities, challenges and games for you to complete to help you practice your 5 times table. laugh



L.O. To recognise different types of sentences.

Please listen to the English power point video which can be found on the school videos page of our website (Under Children, School Videos, Videos for Year 2 2020-2021), where I will talk you through the slides.laugh


Then, I would like you put the date and L.O at the top of your page in your lined book, then open the document below and work your way through the 3 tasks.


L.O. To know why the fire spread so quickly and stayed alight for so long.

Please read through the slides below. In your home learning pack, in your History worksheet wallet, please could you take out Worksheet 3B and complete it.

Have a great day!

Love Miss Dewhurst x

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