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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Meet the Reception Team

Happy New Year


Mrs Taylor and I would like to thank you for all your kind gifts and wishes we received at Christmas. Let's hope 2022 will bring us joy and happiness so that we can create special memories.


Click on -  Quick links on the Homepage and an icon for Educationcity will appear click on it and follow the instructions below.

Put in your child's username and password which is stuck in front of your child's reading diary. (It's case sensitive) 

Country - enter England and then Login in.

Go onto Subjects

English - Select EYFS and your child can play English activities and for Phonics (Phase 2 and 3).

Mathematics - Select EYFS and your child can play activities in the Maths. 


Information for Parents - Understanding Early Number in Reception.

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Click on the link 'school videos' to watch Reception's Class Assembly.


Minibeasts topic - The children noticed that snails had spirals on their shells. So Mrs Taylor got some strawberry laces and set a challenge. The children had to make a spiral with their laces before they could eat it.

World book day. We loved dressing up as our favourite characters.

Reception’s Lenten Promises

We enjoyed trying some pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and getting ready for Lent.

As part of our RE topics celebrations and gathering, we learnt about the Chinese New Year- The Year of the Tiger. We learnt about the animal’s story, we made lanterns, dragons and wrote our numbers 1-10 in mandarin

We enjoyed our Christmas dinner.

Our First Nativity Performance

Pudsey Bear - we made Pudsey’s face using loose parts.

Children in Need - we raised money for the children who need it.

On the 5th November, Reception had their own bonfire. We were very excited! So, we sat and had our milk around the bonfire.

Getting active on the Trim Trail

September 2021 Welcome Meeting

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