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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 6th April

Week 3! Happy Monday! Well done Year 4, keep working hard and please try your best to blog or email any written work from your exercise books. I hope you are all still reading every day and writing comments where you can. Also please try and log onto TT Rockstars and practice your times tables everyday as well! Work hard and Keep active.

(To find my Blog Posts, click on Grown up blogs: Mr Steele) 



Task 1: English

LO: To use the senses to describe a setting.

The English lessons this week are going to be based around the video Tadeo Jones which I will upload on each day's page. Work can be completed into you exercise books using the correct date and LO. The sheets you can copy into your books or print off and stick in if you want. Get your adults to email me any questions if stuck, and try your best. Follow all instructions from the PowerPoints carefully! Here are today's activities enjoy:

Tadeo Jones


Task 2: Maths

LO: To round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 ans 1000

Log onto Education City and select classwork: Maths Task: Monday 6th April Complete all tasks and write any questions and answers into you exercise book. Don't forget the date and learning objective. 


Task 3: RE

LO: To learn about ways Christians live during Lent

Use the slides and pictures below to complete today's RE task.

Research online ways Christians live during lent to help you answers these questions and complete your task. Copy and answers the questions into you exercise book, Date and LO please. 

  • What opportunities does Lent offer the Christian and why?
  • What three things does the Church recommend to Christians to practise during Lent?
  • How do you think prayer helps a Christian to follow Jesus and prepare for Easter?
  • How do you think fasting helps Christians?
  • Why do you think Christians give alms?
  • Why do you think that Jesus advises people not to go around boasting about their giving?
  • What do you think it means to be self-disciplined and how is it achieved?

Your task for this lesson is to think about something you could do to make someone else's life better. E.g. helping you parent to tidy up.

I want you to write your own Lenten Promise card and decorate it to look like a leaf.

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