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During our final week in the Autumn Term 1 we dedicate our week to a particular theme.
This year it is 'Decades' please take a look below at all of the different activities that we have taken part in.
Fancy Dress Day
Danceathon Day
During hymns we danced with the whole school to a playlist of songs from all of the decades. We thoroughly enjoyed coming together to learn and develop new dancing skills. We also continued with our dance in our Physical Education Lesson with Mr Barnes.
1947- Present
We made rockets in Science and looked at the timeline of space travel looking at 1947 to the present day. We watched a clip of the SpaceX5 launch which made history being the first launch to catch the rocket booster.
We started off our Tuesday with a dance to the birdy song, let's twist again and many other songs in the decades.
We have looked at toys throughout the decades today and highlighted why certain toys have made it through 12 decades.
We created a Toy timeline from 1940s -1990s
Miss Armstrong brought in her grandmas teddy bears called
'Billy' from 1949 and Johnny' from 1947.
Also Miss Armstrong brought in her dads teddy bear called 'Ted' from the 1963
We took great care of these bears.
We had a competition of 'Guess who' which was created in the 1970s. We looked at different versions and how popular this game has become over the decades.
We then had the opportuity of playing with some of the toys from these decades.
We have looked at the World's Population and used our maths skills to use the data to answer questions. We have focused on how the total of the world's population has increased or decreased over the years.
We watched the data online throughout the morning and estimated what amount it would be before 10am.
American college professor and scientist Robert Goddard built and flew the world's first liquid propellant rocket on March 16, 1926.
During Forest School we created our own recycled spaceships and sent them into space. We had so much fun take a look at the video below.
History of the Cassette Tape
The first model of compact cassette tape sold by Philips in the 1960s. Philips USA
Although recording to tape had been possible since the 1930s, the technology was large, awkward and expensive. The Philips Compact Cassette was cheap, portable (small enough to carry around) and could be used at home or in the office, with basic recording equipment.