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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Class Teacher: Mr Steele

Classroom Assistants: Mrs Townley and Mr Kelly


Year 4 Pupil of the Year Nominations 2021, Well Done!


Click on the link below to see the recent Golden Book Videos for this year!




Click on the links below to see photos of what we have been doing in school in each of these areas!



Year 4's class assembly: Open the PowerPoints and click view slide show from the beginning and the slides and videos will play automatically. Go to the School Video's page to find and watch The Tenses Song we performed for our assembly! (In the videos for year 4 section)


Year 4 School Councillors. Well done Phoebe and Oscar! You will make outstanding school role models!


Isolation Work

If you are at home isolating because you are waiting for a COVID 19 test result for you or a family member or you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID and been asked to isolate, please click on the the subjects below to find your work. 

Everyday you are absent we expect you to do:

1 Maths lesson, START AT LESSON 1

1 English lesson, START AT LESSON 1

1 other lesson of your choice.

You can do your work in your homework books that you have at home and take a picture to post on the BLOG or you can type your answers straight onto the BLOG. 

Please also read every day, practise your times tables on TTRS and complete your homework as normal. 

This work will compliment but not clash with the work we are doing in class. If you need to isolate more than once you can just continue from where you left off. 



This term will be walking as must as possible as a class, in and outside of school to raise money for CAFOD's Walk for Water. Walk for Water is our Lent challenge: 10,000 steps a day - done our way. Every day. For 40 days.

Click on these links for more information:

A little message and surprise from Mr Steele and Mr C!

Still image for this video

Home Learning 2021:


To access your home learning, please click today's date below to see your tasks. You will have a variety of tasks to complete each day, just like we would have in class, all work is expected to be completed each day. 


If I have set you a written task, I expect the same written standard as in class. You need to write the date and Learning Objective neatly and underline it. You can complete this work in your HomeWork books. 


Have fun and remember to email me your work:

I would also like you to comment every day on the blog to let me know how you are and how you are finding your work.


I have made a home learning pack for you to use at home they will include: Exercise Books, Pen and Pencil, Reading Comprehension Workbook and a Handwriting Practice Booklet. Only use these workbooks when I set them for a task on a specific day.  


Make me proud and keep active!

From Mr Steele

Pro Sport Coaching have given you a fantastic half term timetable for you to use over the holiday. Each day there is a suggested activity or task to keep you active, healthy and happy over half term! Enjoy!

Year 4 is now online! Welcome to your home learning work for two weeks! This will be a different type of learning, but just like in school I expect you do this work every school day. Please pray daily and take care of yourselves and your family.

We will soon be back together again as a class family!

Click on the right day below to find your lessons:


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