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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 13th January

Good morning Year 3!

I hope you are all having fun doing your learning at home. Did you like the chapter of the Creakers that I read? How funny was it when there was a power cut!! I will read another chapter of it for you later on in the week. 

Today you have 4 tasks:

1. Maths

2. English

3. Science

4. Read 'I need my monster' on (when you have logged in, if you click Mailbox at the top right, you will find the books I have assigned to you)


Please can you also play on TTRS for 15 mins. I am carefully tracking how well you are doing and I may move some people onto their next times table if you are working hard!


Remember I'm still looking for my home learner/school learners of the week!


Have a lovely day, work hard and keep smiling smiley

Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To divide 2 digits by 1 digit. LO: To divide 2 digits by 1 digit.

Today we are continuing with division. You need to carefully watch the video I have attached below and then complete the worksheet.

Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (3)


LO: To write a biography.


Today you are going to write your biography! It is so important to use the plan you wrote yesterday. This should include all the information you researched and it will be in chronological order (in the order that it happened: time order). I would like you to write a paragraph for each of the sections on your plan. So you will have 5 paragraphs. (the first paragraph and the last paragraph are only short).

I am so excited to read your biographies, remember to send them to me on my email, or post a picture of them onto the blog.

LO: To group foods.

Today Year 3, we are starting our new Science topic: Food and our bodies.

We are going to look at different types of food and grouping them into different categories. I would like you to start by working your way through the power point I have attached below and watch the video.

When you have done that, you need to find the sheets in your Yellow Home Learning Pack that have the food groups on. There are 6 sheets with headings on: dairy, fruits, vegetables, meat, grain, sugars and then there are 3 sheets with pictures of food on (the first two pictures are a bagel and raisins). You need to cut out the pictures of the food and stick them onto the correct sheet with the right food group. You can take the staple out of the sheets if that makes things easier. For example, you would cut out the cheese and put it on the ‘dairy’ sheet. You should have a glue stick to use in your home learning packs.

You can check your answers on the ‘food group sorting activity answers’. Please don’t cheat!!

Food Groups And Nutrition

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